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添加时间:2020/6/29 19:24:48 来源:山西职称论文 浏览次数:1385 |
2020年6月, 34卷11期
引用本文: 陈霞,杨贝贝,管文娟,胡海颍,危志娟,孙俊,赵江明,洪静芳.中青年脑卒中病人心理弹性现状及其影响因素[J].护理研究,2020,34(11):1882-1887
摘要: [目的]探讨中青年脑卒中病人心理弹性现状及其影响因素。[方法]采用一般资料问卷、心理弹性量表简版(CD⁃RISC⁃10)、家庭关怀度量表(APGAR)、领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)、医学应对方式问卷(MCMQ)、Herth希望量表(HHI)对222例中青年脑卒中病人进行调查。[结果]中青年脑卒中病人CD⁃RISC⁃10总分为(28.34±8.36)分,不同工作状态、居住状态、家庭人均月收入病人CD⁃RISC⁃10得分差异有统计学意义(<0.05)。分层回归分析显示,家庭适应度、家庭支持、HHI得分是中青年脑卒中病人心理弹性的保护因素,可解释总体变异量的32.5%。[结论]中青年脑卒中病人心理弹性处于较低水平,保护因素包括家庭适应度、家庭支持和希望水平。医护人员应开展以家庭为中心的护理干预,有效发挥家庭的支持作用,鼓励病人参与诊疗决策,增加对未来的希望。
关键词: 脑卒中;青年人;中年人;心理弹性;家庭关怀度;社会支持;应对方式;希望;影响因素;保护因素
课题: 安徽省科技攻关计划项目(1401045019)
Status quo of resilience of young and middle⁃aged stroke patients and its influencing factors
CHEN Xia,YANG Beibei,GUAN Wenjuan,HU Haiying,WEI Zhijuan,SUN Jun,ZHAO Jiangming,HONG Jingfang
Abstract [Objective]To probe into the status quo of resilience of young and middle⁃aged stroke patients and its influencing factors.[Methods]A survey,involving 222 young and middle⁃aged stroke patients,was conducted by using the general information questionnaire,10⁃item Connor⁃Davidson Resilience Scale(CD⁃RISC⁃10),Family APGAR Index (APGAR),Perceived Social Support Scale(PSSS),Medical Coping Modes Questionnaire(MCMQ),and Herth Hope Index (HHI).[Results]The total score in CD⁃RISC⁃10 of young and middle⁃aged stroke patients was 28.34±8.36.There were statistically significant differences in CD⁃RISC⁃10 scores among patients with different working status,living status and monthly household income per capita(<0.05).Stratified regression analysis showed that family fitness,family support, and HHI score were the protective factors of resilience of young and middle⁃aged stroke patients,which could account for 32.5% of the overall variance.[Conclusion]Resilience of young and middle⁃aged stroke patients was at a lower level.And family fitness,family support and hope index were the protective factors of resilience.Medical staff should carry out family-centered nursing intervention,in order to effectively enhance family support function.In addition,medical staff should encourage patients to participate in diagnosis and treatment decisions,and increase patients' hope for the future.
Keywords stroke;young adult;middle aged adult;resilience;family care;social support;coping style;hope;influencing factor;protective factor
医药卫生期刊推荐 |